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Endpoint: Receive Product

This endpoint is used to log a "Receive" event when a product arrives at a specified destination, creating a new product entry in the inventory. The "Receive" event is considered the starting point in the traceability lifecycle within the Wholechain platform.


Receive events represent when you confirm a product's arrival at your own internal location. Receive events normally follow Ship events, though you can log a Receive event from a non-Wholechain user, thereby starting the traceability journey in Wholechain at this point. If the user receiving product notices any discrepancies between the ship record and the physical product received, they also have the option to reject the record, which sends a notification to the shipper that some information was off and the event needs to be revised.

How it works

  • Scenario 1: A user goes to their Shipping / Receiving page and clicks on the Pending tab. The user selects items that they wish to receive, and confirms it to a specific internal location.
  • Scenario 2: A user goes to the Shipping / Receiving page or any product's Current Inventory page and clicks Actions > Receive. This prompts them to select from whom the product came as well as the item details they are receiving. This scenario occurs when the goods come from a user who is not yet on Wholechain, or who did not use Wholechain to log a ship event.
  • In Scenario 1 above, the recipient also has the option to reject the items in their Pending tab if the Ship event record appears inaccurate.
  • Scenario 3: This action can be performed through the API

Local image

Practical Examples

  • A distributor confirms receipt of the product and records shipped to them from a supplier.
  • A grocery store confirms receipt of a shipment of fresh produce from a local farm, logging the arrival of the vegetables into their Wholechain system.


The API uses an API key (X-API-KEY) to authenticate requests. Each user has a unique API key that controls access to event details tied to their company. To understand where this can be found, please visit the Authentication page.

Request Headers

Header Description Example Value
X-API-KEY Your API key 733e286e-c578-461d-afc6-bd82efe4e6bb
Content-Type Content type of the request application/json
accept Response content type */*

Request Body Parameters

Location Object

Column Name Data Type Description
Urn STRING Unique identifier for the location.
TradePartnerUrn STRING Trade Partner URN associated with the location.
Name STRING Name of the location.
Gln STRING Global Location Number (GLN), if available.
City STRING City where the location is based.
State STRING State or province.
Country STRING Country.
AddressLine1 STRING First line of the address.
AddressLine2 STRING Second line of the address (optional).
PostalCode STRING Postal or ZIP code.
Latitude FLOAT Geographic latitude of the location.
Longitude FLOAT Geographic longitude of the location.

TradePartner Object

Column Name Data Type Description
Urn STRING Unique identifier for the trade partner.
TradePartnerId STRING Unique ID for the trade partner (optional).
Name STRING Name of the trade partner.
Pgln STRING Party GLN (Global Location Number).
ConnectionType STRING Type of connection (e.g., SELF).

ProductInstances Object

Column Name Data Type Description
Quantity FLOAT Quantity of the product in this instance.
LotSerial STRING Lot or serial number of the product.
Urn STRING Unique identifier for the product instance.
UOM STRING Unit of measurement (e.g., Lbs).
Gtin STRING Global Trade Item Number (optional).
ParentProductUrn STRING URN of the parent product.
ParentProductName STRING Name of the parent product.
SimpleUOM STRING Simplified unit of measurement.
SharingPolicy STRING Product sharing policy (e.g., Open).
ProductIdentifierType STRING Identifier type (e.g., Lot).

ProductMasterData Object

Column Name Data Type Description
ParentProductUrn STRING URN of the parent product this data is associated with.
Name STRING Name of the product attribute.
Namespace STRING Namespace of the attribute (e.g., cbvmda).
Value STRING Value of the product attribute.
ElementId STRING Element ID for the attribute.

Event Object

Column Name Data Type Description
ExternalEventId STRING This must be different for every API call.
PurchaseOrder STRING Purchase order number.
InvoiceNumber STRING Invoice number associated with the event.
BizStep STRING Business step identifier.
Disposition STRING Disposition of the product in the event.
EventTime DATETIME Timestamp for when the event occurred.
EventTimeZone STRING Time zone offset for the event.
RecordTime DATETIME Timestamp for when the event was recorded.

CustomProperties Object

Column Name Data Type Description
EventId STRING ID of the event this property is associated with.
Name STRING Name of the custom property.
Namespace STRING Namespace of the property.
Value STRING Value of the custom property.
PropertyLocation STRING Location of the property (e.g., ILMD).

CertificationList Object

Column Name Data Type Description
EventId STRING ID of the event this certification is linked to.
CertificationType STRING Type of certification (e.g., harvestCoC).
CertificationStandard STRING Certification standard (e.g., MSC Chain of Custody).
CertificationAgency STRING Agency providing the certification.
CertificationValue STRING Certification value.
CertificationIdentification STRING Certification identification number or code.

Example Requests

import requests

url = ''
headers = {
    'accept': '*/*',
    'X-API-KEY': '733e286e-c578-461d-afc6-bd82efe4e6bb',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data = {
    "Events": [
            "$type": "receive",
            "OriginLocation": {
                "Urn": "",
                "TradePartnerUrn": "",
                "Name": "Fishing Area",
                "Gln": "",
                "Address": {
                    "City": "Paranagua",
                    "State": "Parana",
                    "Country": "Brazil",
                    "AddressLine1": "R. Quarenta e Oito, 370",
                    "AddressLine2": "",
                    "PostalCode": "83210357",
                    "GeoCoordinates": {
                        "Latitude": 0,
                        "Longitude": 0
            "DestinationLocation": {
                "Urn": "",
                "TradePartnerUrn": "",
                "Name": "Bruno's Fish Imports",
                "Gln": "",
                "Address": {
                    "City": "Curitiba",
                    "State": "Parana",
                    "Country": "Brazil",
                    "AddressLine1": "Av Presidente Wenceslau Braz, 1893",
                    "AddressLine2": "T2AP65",
                    "PostalCode": "81010001",
                    "GeoCoordinates": {
                        "Latitude": -25.441105,
                        "Longitude": -49.276855
            "OriginTradePartner": {
                "Urn": "",
                "TradePartnerId": None,
                "Name": "Bruno's Fish Supply",
                "Pgln": "",
                "ConnectionType": "SELF"
            "DestinationTradePartner": {
                "Urn": "",
                "TradePartnerId": None,
                "Name": "Bruno's Fish Imports",
                "Pgln": "",
                "ConnectionType": "SELF"
            "ContainerIdentifiers": [],
            "ProductInstances": [
                    "Quantity": 3000,
                    "LotSerial": "1288888576",
                    "Urn": "",
                    "UOM": 1,
                    "ParentProduct": {
                        "Urn": "",
                        "Name": "Salmon Whole",
                        "SimpleUnitOfMeasurement": "Lbs",
                        "UnitQuantity": 0,
                        "SharingPolicy": "Open",
                        "ProductIdentifierType": "Lot",
                        "UnitDescriptor": None,
                        "Gtin": "",
                        "ProductMasterData": []
                    "TradePartnerName": "Bruno's Fish Imports",
                    "IdentifierType": "Lot"
            "ExternalEventId": "003",
            "PurchaseOrder": None,
            "InvoiceNumber": "",
            "BizStep": "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:receiving",
            "ReadPoint": None,
            "Disposition": "urn:epcglobal:cbv:disp:in_progress",
            "EventTime": "2024-02-14T11:00:00+00:00",
            "EventTimeZone": "-05:00",
            "RecordTime": "2024-08-11T19:32:26.4153197+00:00",
            "TradePartner": {
                "Urn": "",
                "TradePartnerId": None,
                "Name": "Bruno's Fish Imports",
                "Pgln": "",
                "ConnectionType": "SELF"
            "CustomProperties": [],
            "VesselCatchInformation": None,
            "CertificationList": []

response =, headers=headers, json=data)

using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace WholechainAPI
    class Program
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            // Define the URL
            var url = "";

            // Define the JSON payload
            var jsonData = @"{
                ""Events"": [
                        ""$type"": ""receive"",
                        ""OriginLocation"": {
                            ""Urn"": """",
                            ""TradePartnerUrn"": """",
                            ""Name"": ""Fishing Area"",
                            ""Gln"": """",
                            ""Address"": {
                                ""City"": ""Paranagua"",
                                ""State"": ""Parana"",
                                ""Country"": ""Brazil"",
                                ""AddressLine1"": ""R. Quarenta e Oito, 370"",
                                ""AddressLine2"": """",
                                ""PostalCode"": ""83210357"",
                                ""GeoCoordinates"": {
                                    ""Latitude"": 0,
                                    ""Longitude"": 0
                        ""DestinationLocation"": {
                            ""Urn"": """",
                            ""TradePartnerUrn"": """",
                            ""Name"": ""Bruno's Fish Imports"",
                            ""Gln"": """",
                            ""Address"": {
                                ""City"": ""Curitiba"",
                                ""State"": ""Parana"",
                                ""Country"": ""Brazil"",
                                ""AddressLine1"": ""Av Presidente Wenceslau Braz, 1893"",
                                ""AddressLine2"": ""T2AP65"",
                                ""PostalCode"": ""81010001"",
                                ""GeoCoordinates"": {
                                    ""Latitude"": -25.441105,
                                    ""Longitude"": -49.276855
                        ""OriginTradePartner"": {
                            ""Urn"": """",
                            ""TradePartnerId"": null,
                            ""Name"": ""Bruno's Fish Supply"",
                            ""Pgln"": """",
                            ""ConnectionType"": ""SELF""
                        ""DestinationTradePartner"": {
                            ""Urn"": """",
                            ""TradePartnerId"": null,
                            ""Name"": ""Bruno's Fish Imports"",
                            ""Pgln"": """",
                            ""ConnectionType"": ""SELF""
                        ""ContainerIdentifiers"": [],
                        ""ProductInstances"": [
                                ""Quantity"": 3000,
                                ""LotSerial"": ""1288888576"",
                                ""Urn"": """",
                                ""UOM"": 1,
                                ""ParentProduct"": {
                                    ""Urn"": """",
                                    ""Name"": ""Salmon Whole"",
                                    ""SimpleUnitOfMeasurement"": ""Lbs"",
                                    ""UnitQuantity"": 0,
                                    ""SharingPolicy"": ""Open"",
                                    ""ProductIdentifierType"": ""Lot"",
                                    ""UnitDescriptor"": null,
                                    ""Gtin"": """",
                                    ""ProductMasterData"": []
                                ""TradePartnerName"": ""Bruno's Fish Imports"",
                                ""IdentifierType"": ""Lot""
                        ""ExternalEventId"": ""003"",
                        ""PurchaseOrder"": null,
                        ""InvoiceNumber"": """",
                        ""BizStep"": ""urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:receiving"",
                        ""ReadPoint"": null,
                        ""Disposition"": ""urn:epcglobal:cbv:disp:in_progress"",
                        ""EventTime"": ""2024-02-14T11:00:00+00:00"",
                        ""EventTimeZone"": ""-05:00"",
                        ""RecordTime"": ""2024-08-11T19:32:26.4153197+00:00"",
                        ""TradePartner"": {
                            ""Urn"": """",
                            ""TradePartnerId"": null,
                            ""Name"": ""Bruno's Fish Imports"",
                            ""Pgln"": """",
                            ""ConnectionType"": ""SELF""
                        ""CustomProperties"": [],
                        ""VesselCatchInformation"": null,
                        ""CertificationList"": []

            // Create HttpClient
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                // Set the headers
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("accept", "*/*");
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "633e266d-c578-461d-afc6-bd82efe4e6bb");

                // Create the content for the request
                var content = new StringContent(jsonData, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

                // Make the POST request
                HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(url, content);

                // Print the status code
                Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);

                // Print the response content
                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    string responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                    Console.WriteLine("Response: " + responseBody);
                    Console.WriteLine("Request failed with status code: " + response.StatusCode);
curl -X POST '' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'X-API-KEY: 633e266d-c578-461d-afc6-bd82efe4e6bb' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
    "Events": [
            "$type": "receive",
            "OriginLocation": {
                "Urn": "",
                "TradePartnerUrn": "",
                "Name": "Fishing Area",
                "Gln": "",
                "Address": {
                    "City": "Paranagua",
                    "State": "Parana",
                    "Country": "Brazil",
                    "AddressLine1": "R. Quarenta e Oito, 370",
                    "AddressLine2": "",
                    "PostalCode": "83210357",
                    "GeoCoordinates": {
                        "Latitude": 0,
                        "Longitude": 0
            "DestinationLocation": {
                "Urn": "",
                "TradePartnerUrn": "",
                "Name": "Bruno'\''s Fish Imports",
                "Gln": "",
                "Address": {
                    "City": "Curitiba",
                    "State": "Parana",
                    "Country": "Brazil",
                    "AddressLine1": "Av Presidente Wenceslau Braz, 1893",
                    "AddressLine2": "T2AP65",
                    "PostalCode": "81010001",
                    "GeoCoordinates": {
                        "Latitude": -25.441105,
                        "Longitude": -49.276855
            "OriginTradePartner": {
                "Urn": "",
                "TradePartnerId": null,
                "Name": "Bruno'\''s Fish Supply",
                "Pgln": "",
                "ConnectionType": "SELF"
            "DestinationTradePartner": {
                "Urn": "",
                "TradePartnerId": null,
                "Name": "Bruno'\''s Fish Imports",
                "Pgln": "",
                "ConnectionType": "SELF"
            "ContainerIdentifiers": [],
            "ProductInstances": [
                    "Quantity": 3000,
                    "LotSerial": "1288888576",
                    "Urn": "",
                    "UOM": 1,
                    "ParentProduct": {
                        "Urn": "",
                        "Name": "Salmon Whole",
                        "SimpleUnitOfMeasurement": "Lbs",
                        "UnitQuantity": 0,
                        "SharingPolicy": "Open",
                        "ProductIdentifierType": "Lot",
                        "UnitDescriptor": null,
                        "Gtin": "",
                        "ProductMasterData": []
                    "TradePartnerName": "Bruno'\''s Fish Imports",
                    "IdentifierType": "Lot"
            "ExternalEventId": "003",
            "PurchaseOrder": null,
            "InvoiceNumber": "",
            "BizStep": "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:receiving",
            "ReadPoint": null,
            "Disposition": "urn:epcglobal:cbv:disp:in_progress",
            "EventTime": "2024-02-14T11:00:00+00:00",
            "EventTimeZone": "-05:00",
            "RecordTime": "2024-08-11T19:32:26.4153197+00:00",
            "TradePartner": {
                "Urn": "",
                "TradePartnerId": null,
                "Name": "Bruno'\''s Fish Imports",
                "Pgln": "",
                "ConnectionType": "SELF"
            "CustomProperties": [],
            "VesselCatchInformation": null,
            "CertificationList": []

Example Response

{'result': 'Success', 'message': None, 'errors': []}